Nineteenth Time

Portrait Miniature Èpoque Empire. Ec. French Xix. Signed Bosselman

Portrait Miniature Èpoque Empire. Ec. French Xix. Signed Bosselman
Portrait Miniature Èpoque Empire. Ec. French Xix. Signed Bosselman
Portrait Miniature Èpoque Empire. Ec. French Xix. Signed Bosselman
Portrait Miniature Èpoque Empire. Ec. French Xix. Signed Bosselman

Portrait Miniature Èpoque Empire. Ec. French Xix. Signed Bosselman    Portrait Miniature Èpoque Empire. Ec. French Xix. Signed Bosselman
Miniature Portrait early nineteenth century. We must put the glass.

Dimensions: 4.8 x 3.7 cm. Bosselman or Bosselmann: painter, miniature.

He lived in 1806 in Paris. He exhibited at the show first 1802 self-portrait in miniature, then, to that of 1806, a drawing and a frame containing several thumbnails. His holdings following the salones 1810, 1812 and 1819 consisted in oil paintings. It must be the meme Bosselmann as employed as a painter in 1811 at the Sèvres manufactory. \The item \The seller is \This article can be shipped worldwide.

  1. artistic trend: French School <\/ li>
  2. Theme: Portrait, Self-Portrait <\/ li>
  3. Type: Gouache <\/ li>
  4. characteristics: Box <\/ li> <\/ Ul>

    Portrait Miniature Èpoque Empire. Ec. French Xix. Signed Bosselman    Portrait Miniature Èpoque Empire. Ec. French Xix. Signed Bosselman