Nineteenth Time

Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century

Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century
Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century
Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century
Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century
Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century
Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century
Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century

Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century    Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century
Old painting, oil on wood, French school dating from the 19th century. The scene depicts a lively henhouse.

Good condition, well framed, see photos. Dimensions without frame: 24 cm / 18 cm. With frame: 38 cm / 32 cm. Contact me for more information, foreign buyers welcome.

Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century    Oil painting of a chicken coop scene French school 19th century